7. Proposals
7.2. Project Info Tab
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7.2. Project Info Tab

Image ProposalsProjectInfoTab.JPG

The Project Info tab is the only tab that has fields that must be entered before you are allowed to save your proposal.

Fields that are followed with an asterisk (*) are required fields and data must be entered before you will be allowed to save your entry. You do not have to enter data in all proposal input fields to save your proposal

Field Description
Proposal Description * The proposal description is a required field. Enter a description of your proposal. This description will appear in the proposal list and you can search for proposals on the description field
Proposal No * The proposal number is automatically generated for you and is incremented by one each time a proposal is created. The starting proposal number is set in System Configuration. The system generated proposal number can be changed before the proposal has been saved.
Customer * This is the Bill To information. Customer invoices created will be to the customer named here. Enter the first few characters of your customers name and any matches found in your customer database will be displayed in a drop down selection box. Select the entry from the list presented. If the customer does not exist in your customer database, you can create a new customer by clicking on the blue plus sign icon to the right of the customer. You can create your new customer without leaving the Create Proposal window. After entering and saving your new customer information you will be able to enter the first few characters of the new customers name and select it from the drop down selection box. You may also select any Customer locations that have been entered into the Customer database for this Customer as the bill to information. If locations exist under this customer, you may select a location as the Bill To.
Customer PO If you received a purchase order number from your customer for this order, enter the customer purchase order number here
Propose To * The Propose To field defaults to the Customer name. The Propose To field may be different from the Customer. If you have entered Customer locations for this Customer you may select any of these locations as the Propose To.
Contact If you have entered Contacts for this Customer, you may select any of the existing contacts. This information will appear as the ATTN: field on proposal and invoices. New Customer Contacts can also be added from the Proposal window by clicking on the drop down arrow and clicking on the Add New option. This will open the Customer Contact edit window allowing you to enter customer contacts without leaving your proposal window. After you have entered and saved your contact information, you can add a contact to your proposal.
Expiration Date By default, the expiration date is set to 30 days from the date your proposal is being created. The default expiration date can be modified in System Configuration. The Expiration date will print on the bottom of your proposals if the proposal print option called "Proposal Valid Thru date" has been selected (see Proposal Print Options), otherwise the Expiration date has no affect on your proposal.
Probable Close Date This field is for future development and will be used for sales process evaluation reporting. It has no affect on your proposal.
Probability This field is for future development and will be used for sale process evaluation reporting. It has no affect on your proposal.
Commission Team This field is for future development. Commission teams are created in System Configuration and allow you to define a commission structure composed of multiple people. Each person defined on the team can receive a different commission percentage of the commission total amount. Individual people can be assigned to the specific proposal to receive commission as well by clicking on the drop down arrow and clicking on the Custom Commission Team option. You will be allowed to select user names to add to the proposal and their commission percentage amount. To add another person to the custom commission team, click on the Next link and select another name. The commission distribution must add up to 100% to use custom commission teams. The Commission Report does not yet display commission team distributions.
Sales Rep * Enter the name of the sales rep assigned to this proposal. This name can be printed on proposals and invoices and this person will collect commission on this proposal if a commission rule has been assigned to them in System Configuration - Users.
Secondary Rep This field is for future development.
Sales Coord Enter the name of the sales coordinator assigned to this proposal if applicable.
A&D Firm This field is for future development. If A&D firms have been entered into the A&D database, you can assign a firm to your proposals. A&D firms can be added without leaving your proposal by clicking on the blue plus sign icon and adding the firm information. After entering and saving the firm information the firm can be added to your proposals.
Contact After entering an A&D Firm, you can select any contact that has been entered for the A&D firm here.
Order Type Normal and Direct. A normal order type is a proposal where you will be invoicing the customer for the product ordered on this proposal. A direct order type is a proposal where a vendor or vendors will be invoicing your customer for the product ordered on this proposal and you will invoice the vendor(s) for your commission or dealer's fees. See Direct Bill Order Type section for details.
Proposal Status Custom proposal status options are entered in System Configuration - Company & System Settings - System Settings tab via the Proposal Status Options function. You can create your own proposal status options here which can then be assigned to your proposals. The custom status option is displayed on the far right of your proposal list under the Status column. You can change this status as often as you need to.
Status Note This is a free text field that allows you to enter text (if desired) to support your proposal status setting. You can add any information you want. The Status Note information is displayed when you hold your mouse pointer over the Proposal Status field.
Active/Archive This field allows you to force a proposal into an Active or Archived state if you wish. Proposal archiving is handled automatically and is controlled by the parameters defined in System Configuration - Company & System Settings - System Setting tab via the "How many days should a proposal wait before being archived?" function. If a proposal is not opened/edited within the number of days set here, the proposal will automatically become archived. Archived proposals will not appear in your proposal list if you have filtered (proposal list sort options) the list to display Only Active Proposals. If your Proposal Sort Options are set to display All Proposals, archived proposals will be displayed.
Proposal Notes This is a free text field that allows you to enter information about this proposal. You can enter any information that you feel is necessary for others that may be looking at this proposal to know. Currently, Proposal Notes are internal notes only, they do not appear on any customer facing documents.
7.2. Project Info Tab
7. Proposals
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